The ICAR standing Committee on agricultural education, in its meeting held in August, 1973, observed that since the Establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) was of national importance which would help in accelerating the agricultural production as also the improving the socio-economic conditions of the farming community, the assistance of all related institutions should be taken in implementing this scheme.
The Mohan Sinha Mehta Committee (1974) enunciated the following three basic concepts of KVK.
1. The Kendra will impart learning through work-experience and hence will be concerned with technical literacy, the acquisition of which does not necessarily requires as a pre- conditions for the ability to read and write.
2. The Kendra will impart training to only those extension workers who are already employed or to the practicing farmers and fisherman. In other words, the Kendra will cater to the needs of those who are already employed or those who wish to join to be self-employed.
3.There will be no uniform syllabus for a Kendra. The syllabus and programme of each Kendra will be tailored to the field needs. natural resources and the potential for agricultural growth in that particular area.
The Committee further suggested that the success of Kendra will depend upon adherence to the following three basic principles.
1. Accelerating, agricultural and allied productions in the operational area of the Kendra should be the prime goal.
2. Experiential learning i-e "Teaching by doing" and "Learning by doing" should be the principle methods of imparting skill training.
3.Training effort should not be made to make economically good people better but the poor ones good so as to raise the living conditions of the poorest the poor.
SAC Meeting
Home Sciences